What Do You Get with Huawei HMS?

by James Metts

Huawei HMS is an alternative to GMS, and it has APIs that provide a lot of capabilities. With the US trade ban on Huawei, you will not access Google Services as of now. This is not limited to apps such as Google Drive, Gmail, or YouTube; you cannot also sync your contacts and calendar. Fortunately, that is not the end of the world. With HMS, you have access to account kit, Camera Kit SDK, Push Kit, and more. These are some of the things HMS can offer you.

Huawei HMS Services

Account Kit

The Account Kit is an alternative to Google Account. It is also similar to Apple ID. Thus, developers can use Huawei ID to log in to the phone and its cloud storage. With this, users can log in to apps without registering and validating their credentials for every app they use.

Drive Kit

The HMS drive kit is meant to be an alternative to Google Drive API with various applications such as read and write. In addition, you can sync your files to cloud storage.

Location Kit

This is meant to provide accurate location data that can be used within the apps. The feature replicates what Google’s Fused location does.

Map Kit

This is equivalent to Google’s Maps SDK, and it provides developers with powerful map capabilities. Thus, you can improve the map experience within the applications.

Gaming Kit

This replicates the Google Play Games service. It offers a seamless way for the players to track and sync their in-game achievements. Even when a user replaces his or her smartphone, it is possible to get back his or her in-game achievements.

Analytics Kit

The kit provides you with various metrics within an app and analysis that is based on your preferred metrics. With this kit, a developer can collect over 500 types of behavior patterns and data. This provides the potential to gain insights into users, their habits, and interactions within the app.

Push Kit

This kit is meant to allow developers to send push notifications to users through apps. You should note that push kit is a reliable, real-time message platform that has global coverage. Also, it is very useful for advertising.

In-App Purchases

This is an alternative to in-app billing. The API helps developers manage their revenue in Huawei Ecosystem. The good thing about this Huawei kit is that it benefits developers more as it takes lower service fees as compared to what Google charges.

Ads kit

This kit provides an extra form of monetization. Ideally, it is an alternative to AdMob by Google. It provides a device-level ad that provides tracking capabilities to build an advertisement ecosystem.

The truth is that Huawei HMS is great for developers. In fact, developers are part of the HMS ecosystem. The HMS ecosystem is currently receiving millions of active users each month. At the moment, there are millions of developers registered, and thousands of apps are developed and integrated into the HMS core. In this way, developers can create versions of apps that are compatible with Huawei devices. Although there are no GMS figures released by Google for comparisons, the truth is that Huawei is growing at a steady rate.

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