PLC splitters play an integral part in network and telecommunications. PLC splitters are in demand since the increase in the rate at which humans communicate with each other. Before looking at the numerous uses, please take a look at what they are.
What does a PLC splitter mean?
When you think about PLC splitters, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe something is being broken down because of the word ‘split.’ Or perhaps you are thinking about a company because of the word ‘PLC.’ Well, the first idea is close to the actual meaning. PLC stands for Planar Waveguide Circuit Splitter. You might find it called the Planar Lightwave Circuit in some places, but both mean the same thing.
What are PLC splitters?
These objects guide waves, either to come together or to spread further apart in the simplest terms. They are made of special material on a planar silica substrate, then quartz and other materials are added to it, according to the desired end product.
PLC splitter is a type of the two Fiber Optic splitters known, the second being the Fused Biconical Taper (FBT). PLC splitters, however, are far better than their FBT counterparts, being more efficient and having better performance on a larger scale.
How do PLC splitters work?
They are essentially used to divide, or you can say, split an optical signal or light beam into two or more signals, using semiconductor technology. It is not an active optical device; rather, it is passive with many input and output terminals. It is mainly used in the Passive Optic Network (PON) System.
Diverse Uses of PLC Splitters.
Different PLC splitters have different uses. As stated before, PLC splitters have numerous uses, but this article will focus on just five.
Tray PLC Splitter: These come in a tray-like enclosure and are utilized In splitting near the ONU (Optical Network Unit) or ONT (Optical Network Termination) in FTTH (Fiber To Home) links and used in optical distribution frames.
Bare Fibre PLC Splitter: Unlike other splitters, this one has no connector at the ends and can intertwine other optical fibers found in FTTH, PON, and LAN (Local Area Network).
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) PLC Splitter: The ABS PLC splitters come in a plastic ABS box which protects it because it is generally used for outdoor constructions due to its flexibility. Outdoor distribution boxes, PON, FTTH, and FTTx (Fibre To The x) are some of the areas it is used.
Rack Mount PLC Splitter: These PLC splitters are found in a rack unit, hence the name ‘rank mount.’ Rack Mount Splitters are versatile as they can be used both indoors, outdoors, and in data communications centers.
Blockless PLC Splitter: Blockless PLC splitters come in a stainless package and are more reliable if you are looking for a splitter to protect delicate fibers. They are used in distribution boxes.
Final Thoughts
Shining Fiber offers the above PLC splitters and more at the best prices. The PLC splitters balance quality and costs, guaranteeing seamless and stable network connections across various networks.